
Viser opslag med etiketten performance

Billedkunst - performance kunst

Performance er et mix mellem billedkunst og teater.   Man  er  i performance.  Det, der sker på scenen, er lige så virkeligt, som hvis det ikke blev udført på en scene, men på gaden, hjemme eller i en butik. Det er publikum, at der er et publikum, som gør det til performance. Publikum bliver dermed vigtig. Publikums oplevelse, analyse og feedback. link til pdf om performance Yoko Ono - cut pieces “In this performance Ono sat on a stage and invited the audience to approach her and cut away her clothing, so it gradually fell away from her body. Challenging the neutrality of the relationship between viewer and art object, Ono presented a situation in which the viewer was implicated in the potentially aggressive act of unveiling the female body, which served historically as one such ‘neutral’ and anonymous subject for art. Emphasizing the reciprocal way in which viewers and subjects become objects or each other, Cut Piece also demonstrates how viewing without re...